🌟 When everything's important, nothing is! 🌟

10 December 2016

Do libraries and frameworks prioritize components on boot? If so, how, and if not what can we do? And, in exploring that question, I discovered that Server-Side Rendering isn't a silver bullet!

  • 17 min Read Time
  • #performance #loading

Update 2016-12-12: Some folks aren't happy with the SSR'd code in the test, because it wasn't generated the idiomatic way. Firstly, I'm more than happy to take PRs on the code and update numbers accordingly; secondly, I went through guides and tutorials to try and get it right (lest anyone think I was lazy); thirdly, if getting it right involves becoming an expert I think learning the web platform is probably a better investment; and finally, the actual values of SSR vs CSR are, in the scheme of things, relatively minor: the issue at stake here is that libraries and frameworks do not yield the main thread, and whether that's for 300ms, 3,000ms, or 30,000ms is simply degrees of bad.

With that out of the way, let's crack on!

I dunno if you ever watched The Incredibles, but if you did you may recall the bad guy, Syndrome, declaring to Mr. Incredible that “when everyone's super... no-one will be.” That sentiment came back to me recently when I was working with Preact.

Firstly, let me say that I really like Preact. As with React (or any other VDOM-based library / framework), I totally get the functional approach, and I think the ergonomics are really nice! (JSX weirds me out a little, but nbd.) I wanted to be very clear on that fact because the last time I posted about frameworks some folks felt I was unduly critical, and I also want to say that I know that the people who work on frameworks are trying to make the world better. Many dedicate chunks of their spare time so we don't have to write as much code. Okay, not hating on anyone here. Okay? Cool.

Anyway, what I wondered, as I looked at a DevTools Timeline recording, was “what does Preact think is special?”

Browsers are super good at prioritizing, largely because they've had many years of doing it.

Let me put this another way: browsers are super good at prioritizing, largely because they've had many years of doing it. And we, in turn, have learned to play the game: put async or defer on your scripts, put scripts at the end of your <body>, inline your critical CSS, lazy-load the rest, and on and on. We give the browsers a heap of hints (or work with the prioritization systems they have) to get the desired outcome.

If you're interested in how Chrome sees priority you can right click in the Network panel's table of requests and add the Priority column. Behold! Priorities!

Chrome DevTools showing request priorities
Chrome DevTools showing request priorities.

Right, where was I? Yes, Preact... Actually this is not specific to Preact. Frameworks. Libraries. Performance.

The question is this: do modern libraries and frameworks prioritize components during boot? Is everything “super”, making everything normalized to highest priority, or do we see nuance in the booting process? To answer that question I feel we should, by way of background, define a couple of pertinent metrics: First Meaningful Paint (‘FMP’) and Time to Interactive (‘TTI’).

First Meaningful Paint #

FMP is when we get something useful on screen (which is the bit that people actually wanted to use, not just your app shell). Most people suggest using Server-Side Rendering (‘SSR’) to get that time down. After all, if you send down HTML in the initial response you're going to get something rendered sooner than if you don't. Jake has done a bunch of research in this area, and that's the TL;DR.

Time to Interactive #

TTI generally translates to “if someone tries to interact with this thing, will it be able to respond?” If you look over a DevTools Timeline trace you can eyeball it yourself.

First Meaningful Paint and Time to Interactive on a DevTools Timeline
First Meaningful Paint and Time to Interactive on a DevTools Timeline

I've marked where I think the FMP and TTI are in the timeline above. You can find your FMP if you have the Screenshots enabled, and you look for when the main content gets shown. TTI is typically a case of looking after FMP for that moment when everything in the main thread calms down post-JavaScript.

Lighthouse is looking at ways to capture both measurements automatically, so you should definitely check that out if you're interested.

Moving on...

Word to the wise: never read the comments #

Let's imagine I'm building a web app which allows someone to comment on a story. Like Hacker News, or maybe Reddit, and I'm going to use a framework. A quick survey of those types of sites shows that you can see posts with thousands of (sometimes nested) comments.

What if we made a page like that with React, Preact, Vue, Custom Elements, and Vanilla? What... if...

(In fact, Reddit mobile uses React, so I'm not far off the mark.)

Sample setup #

My demo setup: a page which loads a lot of the same Comment component
My demo setup: a page which loads a lot of the same Comment component

Here's my setup:

My primary hypothesis is that frameworks typically have no concept of priority that can be surfaced to developers.

My primary hypothesis is that frameworks typically have no concept of priority that can be surfaced to developers. If that's true then we will see a single, solid task when the JavaScript payload is delivered that will lock up the main thread. For funsies I tried giving the various frameworks a Server-Side Rendered (pre-baked like FlipKart does) and Client-Side Rendered versions of the page, to see if SSR changed the numbers at all.

I also added Custom Elements 1.0 and Vanilla variants to the mix to see how they came out.

Let's see how the numbers came out on a Moto G running Chrome with a 3G connection.

Server-Side rendered (‘SSR’) - FMP & TTI #

Tech FMP time TTI time
Preact (7.1.0) 2,343ms 4,000ms
React (15.4.1) 2,746ms 4,850ms
Vue (2.1.4) 2,578ms 4,600ms
Ember (2.10.0) N/A N/A
Custom Elements (1.0) 2,456ms 2,700ms
Vanilla 2,610ms 2,610ms

Client-Side rendered (‘CSR’) - FMP & TTI #

Tech FMP time TTI time
Preact (7.1.0) 3,042ms 3,200ms
React (15.4.1) 4,701ms 4,701ms
Vue (2.1.4) 3,948ms 3,950ms
Ember (2.10.0) 10,180ms 10,180ms
Custom Elements (1.0) 1,897ms 2,900ms
Vanilla 1,824ms 2,700ms

Server-Side rendered - Script Duration & Component Mount Time #

Let's look at the time spent in scripting as well.

Tech Script dur. Mount time
Preact (7.1.0) 1,028ms 986.92ms
React (15.4.1) 1,272ms 1,219.10ms
Vue (2.1.4) 1,436ms 1,285.10ms
Ember (2.10.0) N/A N/A
Custom Elements (1.0) 204ms 197.99ms
Vanilla 168ms 156.83ms

Client-Side rendered - Script Duration & Component Mount Time #

Tech Script dur. Mount time
Preact (7.1.0) 509ms 504.55ms
React (15.4.1) 1,183ms 1,139.70ms
Vue (2.1.4) 1,295ms 1,145.10ms
Ember (2.10.0) 5,565ms 3,986.70ms
Custom Elements (1.0) 564ms 516.78ms
Vanilla 395ms 362.10ms

Notes, caveats, disclaimers, not-so-small print, provisos #

And here are the things you need to bear in mind with these results.

Conclusions #

What are we to make of the results? Here are my high-level conclusions.

Main thread locking #

Whether you agree or disagree with the high level conclusions, there's one bit that's really important and deserves more scrutiny: the component boot time.

In all cases the JavaScript that mounts components runs synchronously and blocks the main thread with one big task. This is even true if you use Custom Elements, though as I'll try to show in a little bit, there is an escape hatch or two.

A DevTools timeline showing a single long task
A DevTools timeline showing a single long task

Is locking the main thread like this bad? I can't emphasize this enough: YES!

Locking the main thread is unthinkable to native developers, because it negatively impacts the user experience so much.

Locking the main thread is unthinkable to native developers, because it negatively impacts the user experience so much. When the main thread is pegged you typically see:

Possible Objections #

I expect at this point there may be some who feel that this isn't representative of their situation.

Three booting models #

Last year I created some graphics explaining what I consider the three major booting patterns in the wild. People asked if there was a blog post to back it up. This would be it... a touch later than I would have liked.

Client-Side Rendering aka CSR #

Rendering your app client-side
Rendering your app client-side.

In a Client-Side, JavaScript-based render you are reliant on the script to be downloaded, parsed, and evaluated before you are able to render the page. This can end up with a lot of wasted time from when the HTML arrives to when you give the user something meaningful.

If the JavaScript fails you can end up giving somebody nothing at all.

Server-Side Rendering aka SSR #

Rendering your app server-side
Rendering your app server-side.

With Server-Side Rendering you send a view to the user, but you're typically reliant on the JavaScript to boot entirely before the functionality is available. This can result in an “uncanny valley” where the app looks interactive, but isn't.

SSR is great for getting pixels on screen, but as the data implies, for some cases it makes it more computationally expensive to get booted, meaning that it takes longer to be interactive.

I still prefer this to CSR because you're showing the user something, but if the boot process blocks the main thread then it's a pretty awful experience.

Progressive Booting aka Progressive Booting #

Progressively booting your app
Rendering your app progressively.

Progressive Booting sits somewhere between CSR and SSR. You SSR a functionally viable (though minimal) view in the HTML, including minimal JavaScript and CSS. As more resources arrive the app progressively “unlocks” features.

Today, however, Progressive Booting is behavior we can't easily access in most libraries and frameworks.

This requires knowing what the person visiting your app is there to do, and an adequate strategy to determine boot order. You may also need a re-prioritization strategy if the user interacts with something you expected to be low priority.

Which to use? Progressive Booting. #

Looking at the data above, I'd say a Progressive Booting model is the best approach: it uses SSR to get a better FMP, but there's minimal JavaScript included so we don't peg the main thread, keeping TTI nearer FMP. We can then, either on demand, or as time allows, boot non-essential parts of the app.

Today, however, Progressive Booting is behavior we can't easily access in most libraries and frameworks. There's no place to hook into component booting.

In short: everything is special, so nothing is.

Mitigation, platform-style #

We have a platform-level primitive that can help here: requestIdleCallback.

We can use requestIdleCallback to spread the load of booting out over several tasks, and the browser will prioritize handling user interactions above other main thread code, which is exactly what we want in a Progressive Booting world. If a browser doesn't support requestIdleCallback we can still invoke component booting immediately, if that's what we need. If we don't need to, why not boot components later on?

We have a platform-level primitive that can help: requestIdleCallback.

When it comes to Custom Elements or Vanilla, we already have control in order to wrap things in requestIdleCallback ourselves, or to even wait for user interaction before attempting to boot a given component (or set of components). But my goal isn't actually to “convert” anyone over to using Custom Elements or Vanilla (though I've found it's been a better long-term investment for me to learn the Web Platform than any particular library, framework or tool). What I'm more bothered about is that the people at the end of the chain, the people we build for, get the best possible experience.

I'd love to see is libraries and frameworks adopting a Progressive Booting model, especially as we ship more code to our users. Not every component is special, and the developer should be given controls to decide how booting happens!

To show the impact of taking this approach, I made a straw man PR for Preact that uses requestIdleCallback. It cut the TTI down by 6x. I know Jason Miller, who made Preact, is very interested in this area, and I'd love others to join in.

Using requestIdleCallback in Preact to boot progressively
Using requestIdleCallback in Preact to boot progressively.

Finishing up #

Prioritization is a big deal. As our apps get bigger and more complex we need mechanisms to handle that.

I suppose what I’m really saying is that we need to move on from an off-on component world to one with nuance and priorities.

I suppose what I'm really saying is that we need to move on from an off-on component world to one with nuance and, in particular, priorities. The web can already support it, the browser already does it itself for many things, we need to enable it in our libraries and frameworks.

The test results have expired, so I have removed those links.

Source code #

GitHub Repo